Email Marketing and Campaign modules need work

Just wanted to put in a plug to prioritize improving the campaign and email marketing functions in SuiteCRM. It’s so glitchy, very confusing to use as opposed to other email marketing. it’s missing many key elements of good email tracking. I understand Suite CRM is not and email marketing platform, but some adjustments to this feature would greatly improve user satisfaction and eliminate the need for another basic email marketing system.
–Tracker URLs are wonky and it would be great if you could specify and drill down into which ones are being clicked on (as well as have that track specifically to a contact’s record)
– There are numerous glitches in attaching Target Lists, _ i’ve tried to attached one to a campaign 3 times and it won’t save. Not sure why?
– Oftentimes when using the Wizard, it automatically creates a copy of an email, when I’m trying to simply modify one I had already started. (quite annoying)
– Having more information about bounces or undeliverables would be excellent.
– Also email templates themselves are a little glitchy,
–Scheduling the emails is also glitchy. Doesn’t save the date/time sometimes, so when you think you’ve schedule it, it turns out that field was erased for some reason and there isn’t a date/time entered.

Campaigns improvements are on the roadmap, but there are no immediate enhancements included in the 7.2 release.

Community contributions are welcome, as there are many items on the roadmap to be completed.

