Email - contact case update email doesn't send in the same email thread.

What is your version of SuiteCRM? That visual bug is already solved in the latest, I think.

version 7.11.6

Hi pgr,

Thanks for sharing this… this is really useful

Please let me know if I would like to change this for every subpanel which file to change.

And if we add another panel, this flat sub panel should appear.


I don’t know the answer, but it’s an interesting question :thinking:

I think that is being used here

   $flat = isset($params['flat']) ? $params['flat'] : (isset($sugar_config['enable_action_menu']) ? !$sugar_config['enable_action_menu'] : false);        

So that suggests that you could usa a definition in config_override.php similar to

$sugar_config['enable_action_menu'] = false;

Try also with false, I am not sure which one puts things the way you want. This setting will only affect modules where flat is not defined at all.

Thanks for the prompt reply

where the below code is written (in which file)

   $flat = isset($params['flat']) ? $params['flat'] : (isset($sugar_config['enable_action_menu']) ? !$sugar_config['enable_action_menu'] : false);        

Click the word “here” in my post above, it’s a link! :slight_smile: