EditView does not display recycle bin

I’m running a new install of suitecrm 7.3.1 on Ubuntu. It was built from a new Amazon Web Services Ubuntu image, manual installation of the LAMPstack, and then install for SuiteCRM 7.3.1 MAX.

Is the Layout->EditView supposed to have a recycle bin icon to drag-n-drop field for deletion? I see the label Toolbox and then the word delete underneath it. Dragging a field on the Layout to where the word ‘Delete’ is doesn’t not remove the field.

I don’t really need to see an icon but I would like to remove the unneeded fields.



Do you have any javascript error in your browser console ?
For me too Recycle icon is missing, It seems icon-trash is not loaded for bootstrap css.
But I can drag drop field and it is working.

There is a ‘javascript(0)’ in the lower left of the browser. I’m tried Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1 against the Ubuntu suitecrm server. All 3 browsers had the same issue. There is no custom javascript that was added.

I do remember that I pressed deploy in Module Builder several times for the same package. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. … I didn’t know that you’re supposed to use Studio after a new module had been deployed one time.

In any event, I restored the server image from backup. The Recycle icon still does not appear in Module Builder or Studio. However if I drag-n-drop a field or a panel to the certain area on the word ‘Delete’ (where the Recycle icon is expected) it does remove what it is supposed to.

Yes, I agree Recycle Icon is missing and in code,I can see the issue of CSS.