Edit pdf template does not work if a directory is present inside modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/samples

Helo everybody, this is my first post!

A php fatal error (resulting in a blank page) occurs while editing pdf templates if you have a directory inside modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/samples
For example the svn directory…

See attached file for an idea:

Have a nice day

Hi simoneosy,

can you please bit elaborate your question, that we can able to figure oue what actualy error is.

if possible, what fatal error you are getting, post it.


Hi jaydeep,
this is the fatal error i got:

[04-Sep-2014 08:02:21 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/samples/.svn' (include_path='/path/to/SuiteCRM711:/path/to/SuiteCRM711/include/HTMLPurifier/standalone:/path/to/SuiteCRM711/include/..:.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /path/to/SuiteCRM711/modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/views/view.edit.php on line 27

The problem is that a check to not require a directory, if present, is not implemented, thus resulting in a php fatal error.
I don’t know wheter someone would desire to create a directory inside that path but the typical case are the automatically create subversion directories.

what is there in the .svn file.

is that file related to view.edit.php file. check it out.

beceause u didnot attach the file that u have mentioned.

the .svn is not a file is a directory. It is automatically created from the versioning system subversion in every versioned directory.

The problem is not the .svn directory but a missing check in the code of the view.edit.php file to not try to pass a directory as the argument for the php require call.
The attached view.edit.php file contains a patch i wrote to correct this problem, if you are a developer and make a diff with the original file (modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/views/view.edit.php) i’m sure the problem will be clearer.

first of all where is your attach file dude. i didnot find. anyway

AS PER THE line no. 27 it will reading all the files whats there in the sample directory.

but svn directory is not there. so unexpectedly it is encountering the error.

beaceause the code is written to open and reading the file not to open directory.

i don’t know whether its a correct way or not to solve the issue. just move that svn directory temporary and check whether it is working or not.

First of all, i write this post only to try to help you and your code

Second, sorry for tha missing attached file, probably there were a problem uploading it and i didn’t notice that

Third, you simply cannot move the subversion directories otherwise you will go into trouble with that versioning system.

Now i see: uploading a file in this forum is not working without giving any error, with my chrome Version 37.0.2062.94 (64-bit) - Kubuntu 12.04

So here the complete code, you can see my patch inside the OPENSYMBOLMOD comments:

if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class AOS_PDF_TemplatesViewEdit extends ViewEdit {
    function AOS_PDF_TemplatesViewEdit(){

    function display(){

    function setFields(){
        global $app_list_strings, $mod_strings, $beanList;

        //Loading Sample Files
        $json = getJSONobj();
        $samples = array();
        if ($handle = opendir('modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/samples')) {
            $sample_options_array[] = ' ';
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {

                //OPENSYMBOLMOD simo - too confident to not exclude directories...think about .svn for example
                if ( !is_file($file) ) {
                //OPENSYMBOLMOD simo

                if($value = ltrim(rtrim($file,'.php'),'smpl_')){
                    $file = rtrim($file,'.php');
                    $file = new $file();
                    $fileArray =
                    $fileArray = $json->encode($fileArray);
                    $value = $mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($value)];
                    $sample_options_array[$fileArray] = $value;
            $samples = get_select_options($sample_options_array,'');

        $this->ss->assign('CUSTOM_SAMPLE','<select id="sample" name="sample" onchange="insertSample(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">'.

        $insert_fields_js ="<script>var moduleOptions = {\n";
        $insert_fields_js2 ="<script>var regularOptions = {\n";
        $modules = $app_list_strings['pdf_template_type_dom'];

        foreach($modules as $moduleName => $value) {

            $options_array = array(''=>'');
            $mod_options_array = array();

            //Getting Fields
            $module = new $beanList[$moduleName]();

            foreach($module->field_defs as $name => $arr){
                if(!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || (isset($arr['type']) && $arr['type'] == 'id') || (isset($arr['type']) && $arr['type'] == 'link'))){
                    if(!isset($arr['reportable']) || $arr['reportable']){
                        $options_array['$'.$module->table_name.'_'.$name] = translate($arr['vname'],$module->module_dir);

            } //End loop.

            $options = json_encode($options_array);
            $mod_options_array[$module->module_dir] = translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME',$module->module_dir);
            $insert_fields_js2 .="'$moduleName':$options,\n";
            $firstOptions = $options;

            $fmod_options_array = array();
            foreach($module->field_defs as $module_name => $module_arr){

                if(isset($module_arr['type']) && $module_arr['type'] == 'relate' && isset($module_arr['source']) && $module_arr['source'] == 'non-db'){

                    $options_array = array(''=>'');
                    if(isset($module_arr['module']) &&  $module_arr['module'] != '' && $module_arr['module'] != 'EmailAddress'){
                        $relate_module_name = $beanList[$module_arr['module']];
                        $relate_module = new $relate_module_name();

                        foreach($relate_module->field_defs as $relate_name => $relate_arr){
                            if(!((isset($relate_arr['dbType']) && strtolower($relate_arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $relate_arr['type'] == 'id' || $relate_arr['type'] == 'link')){
                                if((!isset($relate_arr['reportable']) || $relate_arr['reportable']) && isset($relate_arr['vname'])){
                                    $options_array['$'.$module_arr['name'].'_'.$relate_name] = translate($relate_arr['vname'],$relate_module->module_dir);
                        } //End loop.

                        $options = json_encode($options_array);

                        if($module_arr['vname'] != 'LBL_DELETED'){
                            $options_array['$'.$module->table_name.'_'.$name] = translate($module_arr['vname'],$module->module_dir);
                            $fmod_options_array[$module_arr['vname']] = translate($relate_module->module_dir).' : '.translate($module_arr['vname'],$module->module_dir);
                        $test = $module_arr['vname'];
                        $insert_fields_js2 .="'$test':$options,\n";

            //LINE ITEMS CODE!
            if(isset($module->lineItems) && $module->lineItems){

                //add group fields
                $options_array = array(''=>'');
                $group_quote = new AOS_Line_Item_Groups();
                foreach($group_quote->field_defs as $line_name => $line_arr){
                    if(!((isset($line_arr['dbType']) && strtolower($line_arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $line_arr['type'] == 'id' || $line_arr['type'] == 'link')){
                        if((!isset($line_arr['reportable']) || $line_arr['reportable']) ){//&& $line_arr['vname']  != 'LBL_NAME'
                            $options_array['$'.$group_quote->table_name.'_'.$line_name] = translate($line_arr['vname'],$group_quote->module_dir);

                $options = json_encode($options_array);

                $line_module_name = $beanList['AOS_Line_Item_Groups'];
                $fmod_options_array[$line_module_name] = translate('LBL_LINE_ITEMS','AOS_Quotes').' : '.translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME','AOS_Line_Item_Groups');
                $insert_fields_js2 .="'$line_module_name':$options,\n";

                $options_array = array(''=>'');

                $product_quote = new AOS_Products_Quotes();
                foreach($product_quote->field_defs as $line_name => $line_arr){
                    if(!((isset($line_arr['dbType']) && strtolower($line_arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $line_arr['type'] == 'id' || $line_arr['type'] == 'link')){
                        if(!isset($line_arr['reportable']) || $line_arr['reportable']){
                            $options_array['$'.$product_quote->table_name.'_'.$line_name] = translate($line_arr['vname'],$product_quote->module_dir);

                $product_quote = new AOS_Products();
                foreach($product_quote->field_defs as $line_name => $line_arr){
                    if(!((isset($line_arr['dbType']) && strtolower($line_arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $line_arr['type'] == 'id' || $line_arr['type'] == 'link')){
                        if((!isset($line_arr['reportable']) || $line_arr['reportable']) && $line_arr['vname']  != 'LBL_NAME'){
                            $options_array['$'.$product_quote->table_name.'_'.$line_name] = translate($line_arr['vname'],$product_quote->module_dir);

                $options = json_encode($options_array);

                $line_module_name = $beanList['AOS_Products_Quotes'];
                $fmod_options_array[$line_module_name] = translate('LBL_LINE_ITEMS','AOS_Quotes').' : '.translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME','AOS_Products');
                $insert_fields_js2 .="'$line_module_name':$options,\n";

                $options_array = array(''=>'');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_name'] = translate('LBL_SERVICE_NAME','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_number'] = translate('LBL_LIST_NUM','AOS_Products_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_service_list_price'] = translate('LBL_SERVICE_LIST_PRICE','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_service_discount'] = translate('LBL_SERVICE_DISCOUNT','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_service_unit_price'] = translate('LBL_SERVICE_PRICE','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_vat_amt'] = translate('LBL_VAT_AMT','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_vat'] = translate('LBL_VAT','AOS_Quotes');
                $options_array['$aos_services_quotes_service_total_price'] = translate('LBL_TOTAL_PRICE','AOS_Quotes');

                $options = json_encode($options_array);

                $s_line_module_name = 'AOS_Service_Quotes';
                $fmod_options_array[$s_line_module_name] = translate('LBL_LINE_ITEMS','AOS_Quotes').' : '.translate('LBL_SERVICE_MODULE_NAME','AOS_Products_Quotes');
                $insert_fields_js2 .="'$s_line_module_name':$options,\n";

                $options_array = array(''=>'');
                $currencies = new currency();
                foreach($currencies->field_defs as $name => $arr){
                    if(!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link' || $arr['type'] == 'bool' || $arr['type'] == 'datetime' || (isset($arr['link_type']) && $arr['link_type'] == 'relationship_info'))){
                        if(isset($arr['vname']) && $arr['vname'] != 'LBL_DELETED' && $arr['vname'] != 'LBL_CURRENCIES_HASH' && $arr['vname'] != 'LBL_LIST_ACCEPT_STATUS' && $arr['vname'] != 'LBL_AUTHENTICATE_ID' && $arr['vname'] != 'LBL_MODIFIED_BY' && $arr['name'] != 'created_by_name'){
                            $options_array['$currencies_'.$name] = translate($arr['vname'],'Currencies');
                $options = json_encode($options_array);

                $line_module_name = $beanList['Currencies'];
                $fmod_options_array[$line_module_name] = translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME','Currencies').' : '.translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME','Currencies');
                $insert_fields_js2 .="'$line_module_name':$options,\n";

            array_multisort($fmod_options_array, SORT_ASC, $fmod_options_array);
            $mod_options_array = array_merge($mod_options_array, $fmod_options_array);
            $module_options = json_encode($mod_options_array);

            $insert_fields_js .="'$moduleName':$module_options,\n";
            $moduleOptions[$moduleName] = array("module" => $module_options,"option" => $firstOptions);
        } //End loop.

        //Sets options to original options on load.
        $insert_fields_js .= "} ;</script>";
        $insert_fields_js2 .= "} ;</script>";
        //echo $this->bean->type;
        if($this->bean->type=='') {
            $type = key($app_list_strings['pdf_template_type_dom']);
            $type = $this->bean->type;

        //Start of insert_fields
        $insert_fields = '';
        $insert_fields .= <<<HTML
		<select name='module_name' id='module_name' tabindex="50" onchange="populateVariables(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
		<select name='variable_name' id='variable_name' tabindex="50" onchange="showVariable(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
		<input type="text" size="30" tabindex="60" name="variable_text" id="variable_text" />
		<input type='button' tabindex="70" onclick='insert_variable(document.EditView.variable_text.value);' class='button' value='${mod_strings['LBL_BUTTON_INSERT']}'>
		<script type="text/javascript">



    function displayTMCE(){
        global $locale;

        $tiny = new SugarTinyMCE();
        $tinyMCE = $tiny->getConfig();

        $js =<<<JS
		<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
		var df = '{$locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_date_format')}';
    		theme : "advanced",
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			theme_advanced_buttons2: "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,selectall,separator,search,replace,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,outdent,indent,separator,ltr,rtl,separator,undo,redo,separator, link,unlink,anchor,image,separator,sub,sup,separator,charmap,visualaid",
			theme_advanced_buttons3: "tablecontrols,separator,advhr,hr,removeformat,separator,insertdate,pagebreak",
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			entity_encoding: 'raw',
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			strict_loading_mode : true,
			convert_urls : false,
			plugin_insertdate_dateFormat : '{DATE '+df+'}',
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			extended_valid_elements : "textblock",
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			theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
    		theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
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        echo $js;


Hi simoneosy,

  1. First of all, i m here to help others who ever faceing problem. This is not my code or neither i am a member of suitecrm group. I am a developer like every other else . i am just trying to help only.

  2. About the upload / attachment it works. but in ur case dont know y it is not working.

  3. Your solution ,


Check [// brgin code //end coe]

while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {

               //OPENSYMBOLMOD simo - too confident to not exclude directories...think about .svn for example
               //NO NEED
               // if ( !is_file($file) ) {
                   // continue;
               // }
                //OPENSYMBOLMOD simo

                if($value = ltrim(rtrim($file,'.php'),'smpl_')){

                    //make changes here
                   //Begin code 
                    if ($value == ".svn")
                    //End code
                    $file = rtrim($file,'.php');
                    $file = new $file();
                    $fileArray =
                    $fileArray = $json->encode($fileArray);
                    $value = $mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($value)];
                    $sample_options_array[$fileArray] = $value;

Thanks for the advice but i’m good with my code, it’s a more generalistic solution and it is perfectly working: is_file() returns true only if the argument passed is a regular file (directories are not) and a regular file is what your code wants.
What if someone creates a directory inside that path for whatever reason that is not called ‘.svn’?

By the way what i would like to see it’s a solution for this problem in the next release of suiteCRM, wheter it wiil be mine or yours it’s up to you.
Remember that subversion is being widely replaced by git, but it is still used

Yah You are correct.

This bug has to solved by suitecrm community.

but the thing is that, is_file is correct. but what i have given solution as per the error. beceause i also new to this error.

By the way, thanks for the info about subversion .


You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Just a question: isn’t this the right place to communicate with the suiteCRM community developers, is it? :dry:

Edit: just found a github repo for suiteCRM 7.1.3, i will try to make a pull request there