e-mail fields not displaying in reports

I’m trying to create a report that will display the account’s e-mail address among other information. When creating the report the field for e-mail address is not available. What I need to change in order for the e-mail to be an option in the reports?

Please help me!

Email addresses aren’t a field in accounts, it’s a relationship. You should see an option for

►Email Address : Email Addresses

in the top level field list.


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Thank you but in my report required email field, really no other way to display the email addresses when create a report in the accounts module?

I’m not sure I follow. You can add the Email Address of an account to the report. Here’s an example:

If this doesn’t do what you need can you elaborate?


Thanks a lot!

Try one’s best :slight_smile:

Hi! Your example worked for me, but then when I add a custom field checkbox, as a condition, I get no results.
If I remove the email address field, there are results, or if I remove the checkbox condition, I get results, but I can’t seem to pull a report on contact’s email address, with the box checked.

Update on this! I added the custom checkbox field in the display section of the report, as well as the conditions. Now the report behaves as expected! :slight_smile: