Thank you so much every one ,I appriciated your support ,
I came with one issue that related to Case creation
when incoming mail comes into CRM ,
automatically CASE
has to create ,but this is happening at time, cases are creating when cron job started and all incoming mail are imported in CRM inbox ,after that if I drop any incoming mail to
from mail id
,I able to see my mail in CRM
inbox but CASE
is not creating ,
Here is AOP enabled shonw like below,
inbound mail configaration shown below
and cronTab is shown below
servre time also same ,
I did not undertand why at time cases are creating and after that why case is not creating when any new incoming mail comes ,
I have done 50% but i was struggling last few days please help on it …
I have enabled AOP and I did repair also.
when I started cronset all incoming email are imported and cases has been created after some time if I send mail to crm ,that mail is showing in CRM inbox
but case is not creating automatically and crontab running every 1 min ,
plz some one help on it ,what I have to any one sugguest me please …
crm version : 7.11.15