Dynamic Dropdown in QuickSearch Popup


I have to import a big list of products, organized in a structur of 4 levels categories.

The normal AOS_Product_Categories does not offer a nice way to browser the different categories
while searching for a product.

I’m trying to use Dynamic Dropdown instead, and I think I configured them correctly (as they work
correctly in a EditView).

The problem is that on the Quick Search Popup the Dynamic Dropdown doesn’t seem too work.
I need to have them working in a quick search because that’ how you search a product while you
are in a AOS_Quote EditView.

Is there a quick way to have them working in a quicksearch popup ?

Or… is there a better way to handle a big list of categorized products using AOS_Categories ?

Thank you for any tip you can give me :slight_smile:


We are facing the same issue. Have you found a solution since you posted this ?