Duplicating all task when we duplicate project in project module


There is an issue in the CRM that if you duplicate a project, all tasks that are in CRM are getting copied to the project.

I tested in crm demo site as well, the same issue I have seen there also -



Please help me to resolve this issue.


Hi @jyotip,

I’ll looks at replicating this, if your confident this is an issue may I ask you raise an issue on the GitHub to allow for tracking :+1:

Hi @Mac-Rae,

sure, I will raise my query on GitHub.

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Hi @Mac-Rae,

I raised the issue in GitHub.

Thanks Again

Thanks ill take a look!

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Hi @Mac-Rae,

did you get any solution for this issue?


Left a comment for you on the githib, I’ve had no luck replicating and need some more help from you

Best to move the convo over there