Duplicate records from listview

Hi all,
in general I know how to add a button to ā€œBulk actionā€ in listview but is it possible to create a button that allows to duplicate the selected records? Unfortunately for my company this function seems indispensable.
Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

This should be pretty simple if all you need is to duplicate the bean. If you need more elaborate duplicating (of related records, etc), it might get more complicated.

But itā€™s all a matter of coding it. You can also look (depending on your module) if there is already an elaborate duplicate function that exists. Some modules have ā€œDuplicateā€ buttons on the detail view, so itā€™s there.

Hi prg,
Thanks for reply.
This is a custom module: the lines to be duplicated contain both text and related fields but should be copied exactly as they are. The only difference with the ā€œDuplicateā€ in detail view is that here I have to copy all the selected ones.
I will try to look at the existing duplicate function even if I still donā€™t have in mind how to set everything up.

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Hi prg, only help if you can give me this indication: where do I find the ā€œDUPLICATEā€ function (I would then need to put together duplicate and save ā€¦).
Thanks so much.

Hhmm itā€™s not the easiest thing to find in the code because the word ā€œduplicateā€ appears in tons of places, and sometimes it is the verb ā€œto duplicateā€, sometimes it is the noun ā€œthis record is a duplicateā€ā€¦

Are you using a debugger? The best thing would be to follow the code to where it leads you.

Hi pgr, I only use the browser console.
I have never practiced other suitecrm debugging tools. Can you suggest something to me? (not too complicated to manage on the server to avoid the continuous need of the IT department)

Normally to do PHP debugging the general approach is

  • get a second environment so youā€™re not working directly in production - a test system on a VM, on your laptop, whatever

  • install XDEBUG server-side

  • run some IDE like PhpStorm, Eclipse, VS Code, etc

If you tell me which OSā€™s and which IDE you want to work from I can try helping a bit further, although there is probably plenty of stuff on the Internet, tutorials, etc

Hi all,
I bring up this post because I think I have made progress.

After studying various examples, I managed to add the ā€œDUPLICATEā€ action in Bulk Action on my custom module (not yet tested on large quantities of row).

So, custom/MYMODULE/views/view.list.php
(please note that here are some lines that are not needed for this function such as references to ViewSmarty that Iā€™m using for other reasons)

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class MYMODULEViewList extends ViewList {
function preDisplay() {
    $this->lv = new CustomListViewSmarty();
    $this->lv->actionsMenuExtraItems[] = $this->buildMyMenuItem();
    protected function buildMyMenuItem()
    global $app_strings;

    return <<<EOHTML
<a class="menuItem" style="width: 150px;" href="#" onmouseover='hiliteItem(this,"yes");' 
    if(sugarListView.get_checks_count() &lt; 1) {
        return false;

and custom/MYMODULE//controller.php

class MYMODULEController extends SugarController
    public function action_copypassedids() {
        if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) ) {
            $recordIds = explode(',',$_REQUEST['uid']);
            foreach ( $recordIds as $recordId ) {
                $bean = SugarModule::get($_REQUEST['module'])->loadBean();
                $original_cond_id = $bean->id;
                $new_cond = BeanFactory::getBean('MYMODULE', $original_cond_id);
                $new_cond->id = create_guid();
                $new_cond->new_with_id = true;

                $new_cond->name = 'COPY_'.$bean->get_summary_text();

Ok, copy seems work well but I have a little problem: once the redord are copied, I get a white page and I donā€™t go back to listview.
I am wrong a banality ā€¦ someone can help me?

Thank you very much.

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When you get the white screen, that could be a PHP FATAL, you should have some message in your php_errors.log (or whatever itā€™s called in your php.ini, error_log setting).

Hi prg, Thanks for reply.
Inside log I found this

Wed Apr 8 10:04:40 2020 [7944][1][FATAL] Exception handling in /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php:400
Wed Apr 8 10:04:40 2020 [7944][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller:
Wed Apr 8 10:04:40 2020 [7944][1][FATAL] backtrace:
#0 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/custom/modules/clobc_CLOB_condizioni/controller.php(25): sugar_die(ā€˜ā€™)
#1 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(525): clobc_CLOB_condizioniController->action_copypassedids()
#2 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(494): SugarController->do_action()
#3 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(468): SugarController->handle_action()
#4 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php(373): SugarController->process()
#5 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/include/MVC/SugarApplication.php(113): SugarController->execute()
#6 /var/www/html/suitecrmtest/index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()
#7 {main}

Whatā€™s it mean?

I think that is just the consequence of calling sugar_die, it throws an exception.

function sugar_die($error_message, $exit_code = 1)
    global $focus;
    echo $error_message;
    throw new \Exception($error_message, $exit_code);

If you have another error, even if it looks less serious, it might help.

Just to elaborate, I think that sugar_die is there because the action is not supposed to render a screen, so it should get interrupted without sending any HTML back to the front-end. But that shouldnā€™t be an issue, and it shouldnā€™t take you away from the screen where you are currentlyā€¦

if I try to delete ā€œsugar_die (ā€™ā€™);ā€, I donā€™t see any errors but the URL is cut and I canā€™t go back to listview.

If I go back to listview , I find correctly copied records too (I tested the same procedure on the standard module Accounts and the result is the same).

have you tried using a redirect, like



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Yes, if at the end of the controller I use (the basic listview link of my module)


It works but maybe this isnā€™t the best way.

I think instead I should edit onclick by adding something like this:
return sListView.send_form(true, \'clobc_CLOB_condizioni\', \'index.php?entryPoint=index\',\'{$app_strings['LBL_LISTVIEW_NO_SELECTED']}\');

but if I do this, the function in the control is no longer called (because code execution must jump from one file to another).

Have yo looked at the other mass operations, what they use to terminate and redirect?

I donā€™t know but but perhaps the indication of diligent is the right one.
The guide on this page https://docs.suitecrm.com/developer/best-practices/ mentions
SugarApplication :: redirect
with reference to controllers

Yes, my only question is whether we couldnā€™t just leave it where it is, instead of redirecting to the same screenā€¦ other mass operations donā€™t seem to need a redirectā€¦