Dropdown menu in ListView

Hello community

I’d like to switch from my “Excel-CRM” to SuiteCRM. I’d mainly work with the list view. What I need is a dropdown menu where I can set a status to a contact (contacted, registered, listed…). I get a status dropdown into the detail view but I cannot change the status in the listview… Does somebody know how to do that?

I’d also like to be able to set a status to many contacts at once. Is there a way to do that with mass update?

Thank you very much for your help

For mass update, go into studio and then contacts and edit the field and check the mass update box. This should make the field available in mass update on the list view.

As for changing the status in the list view this will require some custom coding. I have made those modifications many times for clients but it would be difficult for a non-programmer to do it.

Hi Andy

I couldn’t do the mass update in the edit field. I can open my “status”-field and I also see the checkbox for mass update. But when I check it nothing happens. It’s strange that the already existing fields in mass update (like Lead Source for example) don’t have the mass update checkbox checked but are in the mass update anyway?! But when I check the box for e.g. Salutation it works - it appears in mass update afterwards. In front of my “status” field is a * -> “* status_c” like with longitude (* jjwg_maps_ing_c) or address (*jjwg_maps_address_c). Might I have setup my status-field incorrectly?

Thank you very much

do a quick repair and rebuild or turn on developer mode and try again. It maybe just a caching issue.