Dropdown Editor Issue

Hi All,

I am trying to edit the Type dropdown list in the more information section of one of the accounts (as shown in the attachment).

I am going to Admin > Dropdown Editor > account_type_dom.

But all I see is null.

I can’t create a dropdown list as it displays null.

Can someone please advise as to whether or not I am doing this correctly or this an issue ?

Kindest regards,

Samuel Rose.

Ensure your permissions are set correctly and run a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair and execute any changes(bottom of page).

Hi Will,

Could you confirm what the permissions should be as my Technical Director installed SuiteCRM and he wants me to do some edits.

I have already ran the Quick Repair and Rebuild and it came back with nothing so it is most likely a permission issue but I wouldn’t know were to start.

If you could help me that would be great.


Hi Sam,

What is your server setup? Permissions vary dependent on your environment/setup.



Hi Will,

Server Details are:

Unix based hosting
PHP Vesrion 5.3.29
MySQL Version 5.1.73

If there is anything else you need to know please let me know.

Sorry for the late reply.


Hi Sam,

General linux/unix permission setups are as follows:

sudo chown -R owner:group .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

With the owner and group values being those of your web server(may be apache, www-data, or a variety of other values).



1 Like

Hi Will,

Thank you but unfortuantly the permissions were already set to 0775.

I did a Quick Repair and rebuild and below is the log:

Clearing Vardefs from cache…done
Clearing language files from cache…done
Clearing Template files from cache…done
Clearing JS files from cache…done
Clearing Vardefs from cache…done
Clearing JS Language files from cache…done
Clearing language files from cache…done
Clearing Sugar Dashlet files from cache…done
Clearing Sugar Feed Cache…done
Clearing Smarty templates from cache…done
Clearing Theme Cache…done
Clearing XML files from cache…done
Clearing Unified Search Cache…done
Clearing External API Cache File…done
Rebuilding Extensions…
Rebuilding Include…
Rebuilding Language…en_us
Rebuilding Language…es_es
Rebuilding Language…ru_ru
Rebuilding ActionViewMap…
Rebuilding ActionFileMap…
Rebuilding ActionReMap…
Rebuilding Administration…
Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry…
Rebuilding Extensions…
Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap…
Rebuilding Layoutdefs…
Rebuilding GlobalLinks…
Rebuilding LogicHooks…
Rebuilding Menus…
Rebuilding Include…
Rebuilding ScheduledTasks…
Rebuilding UserPage…
Rebuilding Utils…
Rebuilding Vardefs…
Rebuilding JSGroupings…
Rebuilding Actions…
Rebuilding DC Actions…
Rebuilding RelationshipsRebuilding TableDictionary…
Updating the admin warning message…
Rebuilding Audit Tables…
ACLAction not Audit Enabled…
ACLRole not Audit Enabled…
Relationship not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for Leads already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Cases already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Bugs already exists. skipping…
User not Audit Enabled…
CampaignLog not Audit Enabled…
Project not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for ProjectTasks already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Campaigns already exists. skipping…
ProspectList not Audit Enabled…
Prospect not Audit Enabled…
EmailMarketing not Audit Enabled…
CampaignTracker not Audit Enabled…
Release not Audit Enabled…
EmailMan not Audit Enabled…
Scheduler not Audit Enabled…
SchedulersJob not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for Contacts already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Accounts already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Opportunitys already exists. skipping…
EmailTemplate not Audit Enabled…
Note not Audit Enabled…
Call not Audit Enabled…
Email not Audit Enabled…
Meeting not Audit Enabled…
Task not Audit Enabled…
User not Audit Enabled…
Employee not Audit Enabled…
Currency not Audit Enabled…
Tracker not Audit Enabled…
ImportMap not Audit Enabled…
UsersLastImport not Audit Enabled…
Administration not Audit Enabled…
UpgradeHistory not Audit Enabled…
vCal not Audit Enabled…
Version not Audit Enabled…
Role not Audit Enabled…
Document not Audit Enabled…
DocumentRevision not Audit Enabled…
FieldsMetaData not Audit Enabled…
InboundEmail not Audit Enabled…
SavedSearch not Audit Enabled…
UserPreference not Audit Enabled…
MergeRecord not Audit Enabled…
EmailAddress not Audit Enabled…
EmailText not Audit Enabled…
SugarFeed not Audit Enabled…
EAPM not Audit Enabled…
OAuthKey not Audit Enabled…
OAuthToken not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for FP_eventss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for FP_Event_Locationss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOD_IndexEvents already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOD_Indexs already exists. skipping…
AOW_Action not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for AOW_WorkFlows already exists. skipping…
AOW_Processed not Audit Enabled…
AOW_Condition not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for AOP_Case_Eventss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOP_Case_Updatess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Contractss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Invoicess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_PDF_Templatess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Product_Categoriess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Productss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Products_Quotess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Line_Item_Groupss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOS_Quotess already exists. skipping…
Audit table for jjwg_Mapss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for jjwg_Markerss already exists. skipping…
Audit table for jjwg_Areass already exists. skipping…
Audit table for jjwg_Address_Caches already exists. skipping…
Audit table for Calls_Reschedules already exists. skipping…
Audit table for AOR_Reports already exists. skipping…
AOR_Field not Audit Enabled…
AOR_Chart not Audit Enabled…
AOR_Condition not Audit Enabled…
Audit table for SecurityGroups already exists. skipping…
Database tables are synced with vardefs

If there is anything else I can try I am open to all suggestions.



Did you set the recommended permissions?

Higher/more open permissions do not always resolve issues.

Also, you need to set the owner/group in your config.php file.

If this doesn’t work, I would advise checking the sugarcrm.log and your servers php error.log for more details.

