The description says “Add, delete, or change the dropdown lists”
However in my instillation I see no “Delete option” I am an Administrator type user account. Is there a problem with our instilation or can drop down’s not be deleted through he user interface?
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Detail in a use added Drop Down
I see that there are many system driven list of values that should not be deleted, but some of the user created ones in our dev/prototype environment are no longer needed. I would prefer not to migrate them to production.
If you follow @Ars instructions I would add the following recommendations:
. repeat the same for every language file found in the same folder
. Before you delete the dropdowns from the language files, you should also remove everywhere in the CRM all references to those dropdowns. I am thinking of things such as field definitions, views, search forms, logic hooks, workflows, reports, schedulers, custom mudules, custom code and everywhere else they may be referenced. Failure to do so may bring some unpredicted failures.
Additionnally, I would recommend backing up everything (db and full folder structure with all the files) before doing it.
Futhermore if you are not familiar with PHP or other similar programming languages, I would seek some help because this hack touches some files with PHP arrays.