Dropdown Broken after field change

Hey All,

Having an issue with my companies SuiteCRM 7.3.1x install. Unable to make changes to dropdowns or dropdown. Before making any changes, the dropdown editor is reachable but attempting to make and then save changes does nothing.

Dev console shows 'Unexpected error - unhandled token “<” etc.
Managed to fix this by applying changes Fix #4361 Use Parameter $imageJSONEncode if returning sprites, too by gunnicom · Pull Request #6715 · salesagility/SuiteCRM · GitHub

Getting a new error index.php?module=ModuleBuilder&action=index&type=studio:1:1 “ModuleBuilder.buttonOut(this);”
Looks like escape characters are being parsed or pushed through or something.
Dropdows are still un-editable but there is no error passed to the console now.

Manually going into the us.lang file and changing one of the values in the array related to the dropdown that needs changing yields error and format breaking on the page:

An error has occurred [x]
{"center":{"title":"Studio","crumb":"[![\"\"|\"16\"x\"16\"](https://<companyurl>/%22themes//SuiteR//images//icon_home.png?v=ngXTvByGUKvvKqujW2Mhug\%22)<\/a> | ](javascript:void(0))[Studio<\/a>
Select a module to edit.<\/div>\r\n\t

etc. etc.

I have found a few post about this but they all pertain to different modules or views. Anyone had this for dropdowns specifically?

Thanks so much!

Correction - Error translates to code:

Escape characters didnt come through on the original post.

It is VERY insecure to run such an old version, you should really consider upgrading.

It also makes it hard to help you with your error. We don’t have such old versions available for testing, it’s too much work to install one just to maybe see the same error you’re getting. And then the likelihood is quite high that it is already fixed in a newer version…

Hey PGR,

Sounds good - I have been given this software with minimal handover so I don’t know terribly much about it.
I will investigate upgrading to resolve the issue. In our internal documentation there is a lot of mentions of not upgrading it because it will break… perhaps the person looking after this before me was just a wuss lol.

Thanks again.

Kind Regards,

You should start by getting a diff between what you have and the original SuiteCRM 7.3.1 as released. This will give you a ton of different files but with careful analysis, most of it will be just stuff to ignore (caches, generated files) but the rest will be the customizations that you need to focus on. You will also get a view of which customizations are upgrade-safe, and which are not.

This article might also help for the overall plan:

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Hey PGR,

Thats awesome thank you so much. I will consult the powers that be and discuss an upgrade to resolve the issue.
