When certain conditions arise, I would like to display messages in a popup to the end user in the quotes module’s edit view. Is there any built in sugar functionality that I can use or I must I create my own? Thanks.
Might set you down the right path.
I’ve already gone through those two posts. The developer method does not work anymore in current versions and the community post simply uses yahoo or jquery. I was trying to find a sugar method. Anyways, I started my own jquery dialog popup and everything seems to be working fine. Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to create a popup for a new menu to confirm they want what they are asking for.
I can get the popup to work when on a deve system (NOT with SuiteCRM) for both a jquery and vanilla javascript setup.
But both fail when I try to add either code to SuiteCRM
Can you share how you got a popup to work?