display current loged in user name in Created By box like Assign To in sugar crm
just display(replace) the username on screen and save or replace in datebase while open the record ?
Try following code to customize your module edit view.
Suppose your module is Account then the following example will work.
Create a file in your module on path -> custom/modules/Accounts/views/view.edit.php.
Write the following code in file.
<?php if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); require_once('include/MVC/View/views/view.edit.php'); class AccountsViewEdit extends ViewEdit { function display() { global $current_user; $this->bean->created_by_name = $current_user->name; $this->bean->created_by = $current_user->id; parent::display(); } } ?>This will help you …