Difference between the source.zip & the installation download available

Hi All,
What is the difference between Source Code (zip) assets available in the release section (https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/releases) and the installable downloads available at https://suitecrm.com/download/.
I do see that the directories “build” & “test” is available only in the sources, where as directory “vendor” is available in the installable.

I have not seen any script that allows me to create the deployment artefact like that available at https://suitecrm.com/download/.
How can I go about doing the same?


Please see

If you grab the GitHub code, and then run

composer install --no-dev

You will get an identical “vendor” directory to the one we ship in the package.

After that, the only difference is the absence of the upgrade scripts. You can examine the scripts on that repo, see what they do. I know some people upgrade from Github, although it’s unsupported and sometimes has issues (which they work around manually).

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Thank you, @pgr