Delete button on Studio edit field is missing

ON the SugarCRm CE Studio when editing a field you can see a delete button, its not present as far as I can see.

Ive just started using SuiteCRM so nt sure if this is intentionally removed or not

Hi Dawkins,

What fields are you trying to delete What are your permissions? You can only delete custom fields. I can delete fields successfully.



HI Will

thanks for the fast reply

Custom fields from a package that I created in module builder. I cant go back to the module builder to edit the fields as the redeployment of the package removes relations. I can avoid using them in the forms but its getting kinda ugly with lots of un used fields.

Iā€™m day3 on Sugar so Im not sure if I should be doing it in the mobuldebuilder or studio. I have tried to export customizations but it doesnt pick up all of the changes I have made - especially relations


Hi will , can you delete the sales stage field?