Database Table Errors

Having table issues all of a sudden, I haven’t made any changes to anything lately. Could someone see if they could make this table create itself. I checked the permissions on this folder and they seem to have writing set.

/* Table : rolus_twilio_account /
MISSING TABLE: rolus_twilio_account /
CREATE TABLE rolus_twilio_account (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name varchar(255) NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,username varchar(100) NULL ,pass varchar(100) NULL ,phone_number varchar(32) NULL ,appsid varchar(100) NULL ,license_key varchar(100) NULL ,license_validator bool NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_rolus_twilio_account_tmst_id (team_set_id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Table : rolus_sms_log /
MISSING TABLE: rolus_sms_log /
CREATE TABLE rolus_sms_log (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name varchar(255) NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,reference_id varchar(100) NULL ,subject varchar(255) NULL ,too text NULL ,message text NULL ,date_sent datetime NULL ,number_of_messages int(255) DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,status varchar(100) NULL ,direction varchar(100) DEFAULT ‘incoming’ NULL ,cost float(18,4) NULL ,destinaiton varchar(100) NULL ,origin varchar(255) NULL ,url varchar(255) NULL ,account varchar(255) NULL ,need_sync bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,attempts int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,parent_type varchar(255) NULL ,parent_id char(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_rolus_sms_log_tmst_id (team_set_id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Table : aow_workflow */
/*MISMATCH WITH DATABASE - run_when - ROW [name] => ‘run_when’ [type] => ‘varchar’ [len] => ‘100’ [default] => ‘Create’ /
VARDEF - run_when - ROW[required] => ‘’ [name] => ‘run_when’ [vname] => ‘LBL_RUN_WHEN’ [type] => ‘varchar’ [massupdate] => ‘0’ [default] => ‘Always’ [comments] => ‘’ [help] => ‘’ [importable] => ‘true’ [duplicate_merge] => ‘disabled’ [duplicate_merge_dom_value] => ‘0’ [audited] => ‘’ [reportable] => ‘1’ [unified_search] => ‘’ [merge_filter] => ‘disabled’ [len] => ‘100’ [size] => ‘20’ [options] => ‘aow_run_when_list’ [studio] => ‘visible’ [dependency] => ‘’ [dbType] => ‘enum’ /
ALTER TABLE aow_workflow modify COLUMN run_when varchar(100) DEFAULT ‘Always’ NULL ;