Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.

Upgraded from 7.10.7 to 7.10.9

Displaying a lead we get:

Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.

Snippet from Sugarcrm.log:

AND jt1.deleted=0 where ( calls.parent_id = ‘282b2804-a1b0-3df5-d10f-5bb647e599f9’
AND calls.parent_type = ‘Leads’ AND NOT IN ( SELECT call_id FROM calls_leads ) AND (calls.status != ‘Held’ AND calls.status != ‘Not Held’)) AND calls.deleted=0 ) ORDER BY date_start desc LIMIT 0,11: MySQL error 1054: Unknown column ‘date_start’ in ‘order clause’
e[0me[30me[41mThu Oct 4 17:38:35 2018 [1952][2ae93823-265c-b624-e45c-5448a1eaf563][FATAL] Exception handling in C:\Bitnami\suitecrm\apps\suitecrm\htdocs\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php:400
e[0me[30me[41mThu Oct 4 17:38:35 2018 [1952][2ae93823-265c-b624-e45c-5448a1eaf563][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to suitecrm.log for details.

Please help.

David Younger

Sorry about this.

This “date_start” error is a known issue, and it is already fixed in GitHub on “hotfix” branch, will be coming out quite soon in 7.10.10 (I can’t promise a set date yet, but… soon).

If you’re in a hurry you can search GitHub for the fix, maybe it’s easy to apply manually.

We are encountering the database failure in 7.10.11. Is there any fix available? We receive this error when trying to assign a ticket to a different user. Thank you.

Yes, this is fixed in the latest versions, can you upgrade?

As always, make sure you have proper backups before upgrading, just for precaution.

Hi @pgr,

I have Suite version 7.10.22. and only recently started to seeing this error on 2 custom modules.
This modules don’t have subpaneldef.php so I created one, but no luck.

I have seen in one of the posts that maybe database version is problem, but I can not change that.
Do you have any other solution?

Best regards,


When custom module in work, then this file does not exist but its values are stored in:

This FILENAME in my case was one connected with calls, so it contained calls in name.