Data vanishes in relationship field when i call the same record twice

I have a one to one relationship field in my module and i call value x on record 1
I call the same value x on record 2

the value x in record on 1 vanishes after i save record 2 , why is this happening ?

Hello George,

can you elaborate on your business case a bit more?

I assume by ‘call’ you mean to relate?
And ‘value x’ is a field inside your module, that relates to the 1:1 module?

In that case, you can’t do that, because, you’ve got a n:1 relationship.

If you want to relate record 1 and record 2 - you’ve got n records.
Both / all need to be related to the other module (which would be the 1 of the 1:n relationship).

Hello ,

yes i mean “call” by relating a record to a particular record.

I think, in that case the 1:1 is the issue.
Try a 1:n relationship and you should be able to related the records.

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