I recently upgraded to v7.2.1 and just noticed that the three buttons that sit on the top-right of each dashlet are no longer showing. When I hover over the space I am able to click on each button, but just can’t see them. It appears the color of the buttons has changed somehow to white (which matches the background of the dashlet header).
I’ve already done a Quick Repair and Rebuild but that didn’t fix it. If anybody can help with some pointers on how to fix this, I’d really appreciate it.
This happened to me as well and what I found was that there is a new option to control the color of the dashlet buttons in the Theme color picker. In mine it was set to #FFFFFF or white, so I changed this to the color I wanted and hit enter NOT the save button.
Double check this setting in Admin>Themes>Suite7 or SuiteR.