Customized Import Module

Hello to everyone,
i am trying to do customization of Import module.
What i would like to do is to change the behavior of Importer.php and adapt it to my logic.
Before that i would move it to custom folder in order to be sure everything is “upgrade safe”.
Just for test purpose i’ve tried to copy some tpls(ex: Step1.tpl, Step2.tpls…) and other files and made some small changes in order to see if i was working in the right place but i saw no difference.

Does anybody played around of it? Does this module does not behave like any other such as Accounts or Contacts. Whch step i need to do to start my customization tasks?

Appreciate any hint.
Thank you

You would need to start customizing one step earlier in the process. Since the tpl seems to be loaded in the View class’s display method, I suppose you can override that method and load your own tpl.

See for an example of overriding a view class.

That’s why i tried later and it works.