Customise account overview


how can i customise thhe shown overview page?

Haven’t found anything in here:

Thanks in advance!

That view is called “List View”

Thanks for the reply but I don’t think that’s the right one.

When I look at the list view, it’s set up differently and doesn’t show my individual field.

Maybe it didn’t save and deploy correctly. Try making some minor change and deploy again. And keep an eye on your logs to see if there’s an error there.

Deployed it several times, no changes to the list.

No entries in suitecrm.log.

Quick Repair and Rebuild, clear caches, etc.

After that, you’ll have to go looking for the files on the server to see what they look like…

Did the repair and cleared the cache, no changes

What files do I need to check for what?

I’m not sure, but off the top of my head, I would look for anything under this directory:


and then check that those contents are getting pulled by the QR&R into the matching file under



Push the button and select columns for current user. Each user has configuration of columns into preference.

Thanks a lot, that was the missing link (and too simple to overview) :wink:

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