Custom Workflow actions


Currently when you try to create new workflow there are only 3 actions available once the conditions are meet: Create Record, Modify record and Send Email.

Is it posible to create custom action that will call some REST API? If yes, can someone point me to some examples or explain what is needed?


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Hi techgeek,

You can add actions in AOW_Actions.



adding delete (with a confirm alert) as an option would not be a bad idea.

I had to create a workflow based on a client record checkbox that will add new tasks at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months from date=NOW to set up recurring “Checkin with client” reminders. If you check in at 2 months it would be cool to reset the reminders but first by deleting the existing future “Checkin records” and reestablishing (readding) the 2/6/9/12 month new reminders.

just a thought…i am not a PHP programmer

Hi everyone,

I’m replying to this topic because my issue is quite the same.

I need to call external APIs as an action of a Workflow. One example is Twilio API. I would like to have an action “Send a SMS” in the workflow module but I have no idea how to do that.

Can someone help me ?

Thanks you.


Use this search, all the initial results are helpful, especially the ones by Matt on the old SalesAgility blog"suitecrm"+extending+workflows+actions.ext.php

I followed Matt instructions but didn’t work for me. Has anybody already tried to create a custom action in workflows and can help me ?


I don’t often see people speaking about custom Workflow actions around here…

If you want to share what you’ve tried, and what went wrong, we can try to figure it out. But you’ll need to post detailed code.