I am pretty new to SuiteCRM. Before I even install I would like to understand and get confirmation if something I want to do is doable in SuiteCRM
I would like to have custom fields to each attendee of an event. For example, checkbox “is attending” and also “number of people” that is coming with that particular attendee. And finally, I would like to have a sum of the “number of people”. Is that possible?
Also I would like to be able to email all attendeens or filter them based on whether they came or not.
Some of the things you need are already there, the Events module sends invitations by email. But others would require customization, although it doesn’t sound too complicated.
You might also look at other ways to do it, perhaps without the Events module, just with groups of Contacts or Targets that you send a Campaign to.
I can do bit of coding but in this case I would prefer someone to do it for me. I do think that it’s no complicated … for someone who knows. It would take me looooooooooooooooooong time to understand. And to be honest I am not a programmer. I like coding now and then. This will be serious task for my business. Maybe I can tweak the final sulution in the future…
Not sure how I can do it some other way. It’s about events, attendees, venues. I want the event to be visible in the calendar etc.