Creating module with sublines

hello I want to use SuiteCrm for my activity and need to know how can I realize this kind of parametrization.

I am doing different animation in hotels and Bars (presenting new products and training people how to do cocktails)
for this I want to have a specific table helping me to declare my activity
having a table with a list of fields is not the problem.
for exemple : I did an animation on 3 different products
I need to declare one activity with head informations and create 3 lines for each activities and I don’t know how to do this with Studio
it’s like the quote module where you can add lines for the same quote

thanks for your help

you won’t be able to add this feature by using the studio (only by customizing a lot on code-level).

What you can do:
Add a module “sales event”. It has some fields like date, room, budget and so on.
Relate a second module to it, like “featured product” (1:n - a sales event has multiple “featured products” and each “featured product” one "sales event).
This way, you can create events and attach multiple “featured products” to it (and “featured products” could have a relation to the existing products module as well).

thank you @dilligent for your answer. may i ask you a favor
can you be more detailed in your explanation
when you say relate a second module to it : how to do this
and how I will be able to create an event and in the same process detailed all the product i showed (you know like a + button for adding multiple line)