Create Quote page returns blank

We have an issue with the create quote page returning blank when clicked from the list quote view.

It works from the quotes sub panel in the accounts view and we can view and duplicate quotes without issue.

The problem started when we upgraded to 7.4.2 and repair/rebuild did not work. Upgrading further to 7.4.3 didn’t help either.

We have fixed other PHP errors relating to inline editing though this didn’t work as I would expect either so perhaps related.

URL’s returned are:

Create button from “Quotes” page - Unsuccessful, blank white page shown

Create quote button on quotes sub panel on “Account” page - Successful

config.php changes that seemed to ‘fox’ inline editing (well the error on the page not the function itself)

‘inline_edit_listview’ => true,
‘inline_edit_detailview’ => true,
‘enable_line_editing_list’ => true,
‘enable_line_editing_detail’ => true,

Any help appreciated!


When you say repair and rebuild didn’t work, did you make sure the file permissions were set correctly on your server and try again. Also there is probably a fatal error occurring during the pdf generation, you need to find out what the error is. Check the error log and even the apache error log.