Create Case From Email

Hi, I set up a couple of Users and attached them to a Security Group.
Then I set up a Role for access to Cases (up to Group level, then All level when that failed) and attached that to the same Security Group.
Next I configured the Security Suite Settings in Admin to attach that Security Group to new Cases via the Default Groups for New Records facility and set up an Inbound Email option to change incoming emails to new Cases. That part all works fine, so incoming emails automatically generate new cases attached to the Security Group , but they do not Assign the Cases to the Users I attached to the same Security Group, despite the ‘Least busy’ option having been selected in the Inbound Emails entry I set up. Instead, they are ALL - without exception - assigned to my User profile (with Administrator status)

Am I missing something? Any suggestions how I can get them assigned to the users intended?

Hi there,

Please navigate to Admin -> AOP Settings and set the distribution method there.



Hi Will, thanks for the fantastically fast response! Unfortunately, this still does not sort the problem.