Convert a prospect / target to a lead with custom fields

I’m trying to convert a prospect / target to a lead with custom fields. Both the modules (Prospects and Leads) have the same fields with same name and type. However, the conversion does not copy the data over to the Leads. Any ideas of where to look for Prospects to Leads conversion? This link mentions it is possible Change the field when i convert prospect

Some of links that points to Leads to Contacts conversion Customize Lead Conversion Workflow and Converting Leads with custom fields, then how to copy the Leads custom fields into the new Accounts?


Can you make sure, by looking in the database, that the fields have the exact same name in both modules?

yes, the tables:

  • prospects_cstm
  • leads_cstm

have the exact same name and type for the fields that I created

Try it with a simpler case, just to see if it works - copying a field with the same name from prospects to leads. It has to be a built-in field. I am just trying to determine if there is any kind of fields getting copied in that conversion.

From looking at the code, I don’t think there is, and much less for custom fields…

I think the field copies only happen from Leads to Contacts, not from Targets to Leads :frowning:

All built-in fields gets copied from Targets to Leads! Try it yourself

I’ve beeing doing this for nearly a year now. I just happened to find an interesting custom field that would help with duplicates that I’d like to carry from targets forward to leads and contacts/ accounts

You’re right, I eventually found the code:

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It’s working here.

Have you done a Quick Repair and Rebuild, after creating the custom fields? When it finished, did you scroll down to the bottom to see if there was a button to “sync database with vardefs”? if there is, press it.

Yep, I had done the quick repair and build after adding the custom fields. However at the bottom there was no button but a message " Database tables are synced with vardefs"

I could not get the data to transfer from prospects to leads. Then I figured out that the conversion process goes through the Edit View of the Leads. So, in the Studio I inserted these fields (in the Edit view of Leads) and voila it worked!

@pgr I appreciate the effort that you have taken to support this issue

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