Conversion of 2018-08-04 23:44:59 from user format d/m/Y h:ia failed

I don’t see the connection between that question and this topic, but…

In an Edit view, after the user clicks “Save”, it saves. you don’t need to do anything.

But if you’re handling things in Beans, it depends on which type of hook you’re in. Some hooks you can’t change the beans in there. Where is your code running?

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My logs I noticed are filling up with this also. The error is actually generated from


$GLOBALS[‘log’]->error(“fromUser: Conversion of $date from user format $uf failed”);

It happens whenever a case is edited by any user.

Anyone determine a fix. I can’t update my SuiteCRM as I’m at the last version that you aren’t forced to the SuiteP Theme and I don’t want to use that theme.

Seems the quick fix is to comment out that line but then I’m wondering what is the side effect that is causing the error in the first place. Cases seem to save fine. It is as if there is a datetime field that would have to be causing it? But what does ‘FromUser’ really mean in this context?

I’d like to fix the cause of the problem instead of turning the error log for that error off but it creates many many errors in the log.

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So I turned logging level to debug and see indeed the source of the error is coming from AOW_Workflow module.

I went to GitHub and downloaded the latest version

modules/AOW_WorkFlow)/ AOW_WorkFlow.php

And still get the error so apparently whatever the problem that causes this was not fixed and everyone is assuming best solution is to disable the error? But how to disable it in just the workflow module when you still want error reporting for any other errors in all other modules including the workflow module?

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I analysed the message of error. Look at the code which fix the problem.
Make changing in function: ‘check_valid_bean’ of file: modules/AOW_WorkFlow/AOW_WorkFlow.php

  • before:
        if (!isset($bean->date_entered)) {
            $bean->date_entered = $bean->fetched_row['date_entered'];

        if ($this->flow_run_on) {
  • after
        if (!isset($bean->date_entered)) {
            $bean->date_entered = $bean->fetched_row['date_entered'];
/* start fix problem with message "fromUser: Conversion of..." of object TimeDate */
        $bean->date_entered = $timedate->to_display_date_time($bean->date_entered);
        $bean->date_modified = $timedate->to_display_date_time($bean->date_modified);
/* stop */
        if ($this->flow_run_on) {

I tried this fix but now get a slightly different error:

convert: Conversion of 19/05/2021 15:46 from Y-m-d H:i:s to d/m/Y H:i failed

followed immediately by:

fromUser: Conversion of from user format d/m/Y H:i failed

Any idea what needs changed here to resolve?

Still have this error a lot too.

Following if someone know a way to fix this !