Contact-Column sorted by first name in custom module


i should do some changes on SuiteCRM7.14 for my supervisor.
The task is the following:
I have a custom-module “Participants” which has a relation with “contacts”. If im in the listview of participants, there is the column “Contact” with the name of the participant. If I click on the column name “conacts”, it sorts the column by the first name of the participants. I should change it, so it get sorted by the last name. Is this possible? if yes, how?

thanks for the help!



Please check this article. You have to change the Contacts relationship or name field sort order either

1: By List view query setting from code of Participants module
2: Or Relation vardefs sort_order settings
3: Or contacts name field sort_order settings

“Name” in list views sorts by “Last name”. How can I change that? - :man_technologist: Development Help - SuiteCRM

Please check the above post and you will get the idea. You must know the SuiteCRM backend programming to do so.

Thanks a lot