configurig smtp SSL / TLS error

hi, i can’t configure smtp of my domain. in email setting the sending test fail:
my log:

Fri Jul 4 20:00:57 2014 [1023][1][FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 0 Reply: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Fri Jul 4 20:00:57 2014 [1023][1][FATAL] SugarPHPMailer encountered an error: The following From address failed:

this is the text in the suitecrm windows: “Errore email:The following From address failed:”
this happen with SSL and TSL but all works fine if i use smtp without SSL / TSL. my account setting says “Sicuro SSL / TLS Impostazioni
(Scelta consigliata)” but “SSL /TLS” option isn’t present only single option.

i’m on mac os x, mamp pro.

is there someone that use mamp pro + os x + SSL/TSL configuration without problems?

Hi there,

Is there any way you can contact your domain hosts to find out if they know your exact configuration settings for applications such as SugarCRM/SuiteCRM which are set up for outbound email?



thanks for the reply

i’m on mamp pro. So the problem is with mamp pro configuration? i try with gmail and email of my host.