configure tabs

According to what I’ve read online, SugarCRM and so presumably SuiteCRM should have a ‘configure tabs’ control that lets one change the main menu items across the top of the page, adding items from and deleting items to the “More” category. But I cant find that anywhere in new 7.0.2 SuiteCRM installation. And a search for ‘configure tabs’ in the forums yields nothing.

Am I missing something somewhere?


Hi there,

This was removed from the theme for the 7.0 release. “Group Tabs” as they are known, will return in SuiteCRM 7.1, due for release in Q1 of 2014.



“Group tabs” seems to be more than what I’m looking for. I just want to be able to add or drop specific modules from the navigation bar. Is that all subsumed under Group Tabs now?

Eg, when I open ‘Contacts’ it shows in the navigation bar but then disappears into “More” again when I open something else. How do I get something like ‘Contacts’ to stay showing in the navigation bar?

Hi there,

If you navigate to Admin -> Display Modules and Subpanels you can select which modules show in the menu. There are 10 items in the menu, so the first 10 items in the list are the modules which will show on the navigation, and the rest in the “More >>” menu item.



Good. Thanks.

It wasn’t evident to me that you could drag the items in the Display Modules dialog. That’s what I needed.

BTW, I only show 8 items including ‘More’ in my Nav bar. I think I’ve read that that’s a setting in php.config?


Hi there,

Yes you can set this in the config, or create a config_override.php if you do not wish to edit the config.php directly.

The property to edit is:




1 Like

Hi, Will.
I want increased to 20 from 10 the menu tabs.
So, Edit config.php in default_max_tabs =10 -> default_max_tabs=20 .
But the number of menu does not change.

Is there any other way?

Hi there,

Have you tried adding the value to config_override.php? Have you performed a Quick Repair & Rebuild?



Hi Bill,

Was trying to find how to Customise tabs eg. rename tabs.

How could I do it? Has this feature been implemented?