Conditional fields when creating a record

Hello all

Is it possible to create a new record with one of the fields determining the condition for other fields to be presented to be filled in.

As an example : In the Accounts module, the custom Consent field is a dropdown with two values, ‘minor’ and ‘adult’. Subject to the option chosen, either display additional fields to be filled in for minors or none of them at all.

Thanks so much

For that you need some javascript.

Take a look to this sample (It applies to SuiteCRM to):



Thanks so much @BrozTechnologies

As a matter of interest is there a way of breaking the creation of a new record into phases, eg first Create a new record by filling in all the mutually relevant detail and click Save. Then secondly with a Workflow triggered on “New Records”, present the user with a form to be filled in for the conditional fields.

Once again, thanks so much.

You could do that by customizing EditView of the module in question and splitting the form into phases. I’d probably do it on one pageload though and use Javscript to give the impression of phases, but that depends on your needs.

Please take a look to this thread. There is a good sample by @amariussi

That should give you a better idea on how implement your solution.

