What is the name of the file? The CRM doesn’t like the filename having spaces or non-alphanumerical characters.
The undefined error could be due to incorrect permissions, but it sounds like you’ve set these and done the repair. It is sometimes also related to the ‘RewriteBase’ directory in the .htaccess not being the same as the name of the SuiteCRM directory.
1.) the company-logo-filename is ok (only chars … see thread above).
2.) suitecrm.log is empty
3.) Rewrite in htaccess: We have a wordpress installed in domains (public) root directory, there is the htaccess-file. Suitecrm is present in a primary subfolder.
BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
Its the standard wordpress redirect block.
I could not find any dangereous Reqrite-based redirects, do you?
Kind regrads
The undefined issue I meet on a lot of situations. Most popup messages are using ‘undefined’, some table hdl-titles (admin > studio > folders …) too.
I fixed the ‘undefined’ issue (it was due to permissions: 755 to all folders, 775 to selected cache, custom, …config_overwrite.php as discussed everywhre solved this problem).
Bad news:
Company logo cannot be uploaded in Admin > System settings > company logo …
After selecting the file from folder-tree … I got a js-message:
i) I tried xxx.png and xxx.jpg
ii) Config.php is fine (nothing has been changed. No additional file formats are excluded fro upload there …)
iii) /upload/.htaccess contains
order deny, allow
deny from all
[allow from all] ** added by me, but does not change anything
iv) /upload/tmp_logo_company_upload does not contain a .htaccess-file
It seems to be a file-format-issue … the error-message ís generated by some javascript-form-check-tool … but I do not believe, there is the reason hidden …