Cilck on attachment file and get Forbiden Error

Hi, All,
I tried to upgrade our SuiteCRM from 7.8.8 version to latest. After upgrade , when I tried to access to our attachment files (such as pdf, excel, etc), it give this error:


You don’t have permission to access /custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Files/manage.php on this server.

Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot in advance.

I think that is related to file permission issues on the server. Check the section: Copying SuiteCRM files to web server


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I see that you use custom files for field types. Latest versions of SuiteCRM have modified file .htaccess . It’s maybe problem with call the file custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Files/manage.php from frontend. If it’s right you should modify the call. You should use mechanism entrypoint.