Character ' not displayed properly after upgrade to 7.4

We’ve upgraded to 7.4 but there are many things which are supposed to be there which are not, and there is a problem with the character ’ when displayed in the detail view of Contacts.

We have Windows 7 Pro SP1, and use Chrome as browser (Version 46.0.2490.80 m).

We still don’t have the possibility to inline edit, but inline editing is activated and the fields have that option activated as well.
We also don’t see the filter “Last name” which is supposed to be in that version when looking for duplicates in contacts.

Do you have any idea where this could come from?
Thanks for your help,
Kind regards,

Hi har,

We’ve logged the Apostrophe issue on our Github repository:

Thanks for highlighting this!

You’re welcome John! :slight_smile:
I’ll follow this topic on the github link you’ve given.
Kind regards,

Hi har,

A fix for this was found, so hopefully it shall be implemented soon.

There is a post detailing how to resolve this:

However, this change is likely not upgrade safe, so you may not wish to implement these changes and wait for the official release.

Hello John,
Is the official release getting closer? It’s been 3 months already…
Kind regards,

Hi har,

There were a few fixes implemented that resolved this issue in a lot of places in the CRM.

Although, it looks like it still occurs in the Address block, thanks for letting us know.

I’ve logged this as a further issue on github, and mentioned this forum post and the previously logged issue.

Issue logged here:

Thanks for your reply John, I’ll follow this issue on github! :slight_smile: