Changing Grapg Scale

Hi everyone,

I need a little help please:
On my “pre build” Chart outcome by monthn no matter what values I enter, the scale is always €1k. So for example if I had sales of 239€ for example it will show 0.24€k.
Is there anyway to change that scale?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi, I have the same problem.

Did you managed to fix this?


I don’t have time to go out looking for this, but if you post a screenshot (from an English version - no translations please) I could try finding where it is in the code.

Normally my method is I start with a string on the screen (for example “Click here”), and search for that in the code to get to the label name (LBL_CLICK_HERE). Then I search the code again to see where it is used.