I created fields for the module using studio. The fields are displaying in table form, instead of table i want to place it in div tag. How can i change?
I created fields for the module using studio. The fields are displaying in table form, instead of table i want to place it in div tag. How can i change?
You would have to change the tpl files, for example: custom/modules/MODULENAME/EditView.tpl
EditView.tpl and DetailView.tpl should only be extended in the custom folder for each module to remain upgrade safe.
TBH I really would not advise doing so it is complicated and will involve a lot of work which will more than likely just cause you a lot of problems.
I created the module using studio, in that there is no EditView.tpl file. from where the EditView .tpl loads?
For calling custom tpl for particular module.
You can override view.edit.php predisplay function and call your custom tpl file.
1. Create a view in custom//views/view.edit.php .
2. In this view you override the predisplay function and call you own custom tpl file and add your own flavor in it as you like.
For Calling custom tpl for all Modules using one file
1. Simply create file in \custom\include\EditView\EditView.tpl
I also suggest you google: Sugarcrm custom EditView tpl