Change the status of the case to Pending Input when we receive "Case Updates" by email

The case is closed and someone emails more information related to the case so we want to update/change the status of the case from closed to “New” or “Pending Input”

  • Do you know how could I set the workflow on the Case Updates and relate it to the case module?

Important, please help

Hi there,

Attached is a workflow which does as you request. Not so quick in the response, so you may have worked it out by now!



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Thank you for replying to me. Seems like I have a different version from SuiteCRM. please let me know your version

I have:
Version 7.0.2
Sugar Version 6.5.16 (Build 1082)

Thanks in advance

Hi there,

This is using SuiteCRM 7.1.1.



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That’s why, i do not have this option.

Thanks much for your help

Sorry Will, but your attachment image don’t work. Please update again.
ps: I’ve just vote for you on bitnami and I’m tweet vote!

Sorry Will but the attach image don’t works.
Plese update them again

Somebody can help on this workflow?