I setup the below settings but the SuiteCRM favicon still displays on Chrome instead of my favicon. I cleaned Chrome’s cache, no way. Please, any advice on how to solve this is welcome. Here are the steps to reproduce what I did:
- At SuiteCRM\include\MVC\View\SugarView.php change the following code:
$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL('sugar_icon.ico',false);
$favicon = $themeObject->getImageURL('sugar_icon.ico',true);
- Go to \themes\default\images\ and upload your own favicon, renaming it as sugar_icon.ico and sugar_icon.png
This solution does not work. Any ideas? 
By looking at that function, I don’t see why you would want to change that parameter to true.
I changed the favicon by changing the image in
I left the same file name, only changed the image inside that file. I never tried it with SuiteP theme but I expect it to be the same.
Note that favicons are very picky about icon formats, and browsers are very treacherous when refreshing favicons…
@pgr thank you. In my (fresh) install there is no folder SuiteR at custom/themes/ . Any idea where is the folder with the suitecrm icon in it?
You’l probably find the original in
which you can edit and copy to
creating any missing subdirectories as necessary.
Of course you can start with your own .ico, instead of editing, but make sure it has the same technical characteristics.
used my own .ico file and renamed it sugar_icon.ico and replaced it wherever I could find it in an image folder. … worked like a charm! Thanks