Change product description in the quotes

Change product description in the quotes

Hello :slight_smile:

and first of all, best regards to everybody :slight_smile:

I create a product. Open an quote. Add the product there. Save and print it. Works very well.

I am now changing the text in the product description.

Save it and print it as PDF. Then I still get the old values from the product description. He always takes over the values from the products, he igborates the changes …


Best regards from Berlin and stay healthy …

The latest version of SuiteCRM is installed …

Hello :slight_smile:

this is probably a bug. I just tested it on the demoserver and found this link:

Is it reported on Github? Where?



Can you please share the exact content of the Template?

I’d like to see the variable name you are using for the description, and some other details. Thanks

Product and Quote description are different. You need to change the description of the Quote record, not the Product.

Hello :slight_smile: and thank you very much for your answers. We’ve been a little bit lost the last days :slight_smile: A lot of crazy things are happening in the corona crisis…

here is the code of our offers:

Produktbeschreibung Menge Preis






hello :slight_smile: and thanks a lot for your hints. Error found.

It was the $aos_products_quotes_item_description

Now it works…