I want to change the color of drop down first item only.
I have tried this in language file.
$GLOBALS[‘app_list_strings’][‘quote_stage_dom’]=array (
‘draft’ => ‘DRAFT’,
‘Hard_copy_and_emailed’ => ‘Hardcopy & Emailed’,
‘Emailed_Only’ => ‘Emailed Only’,
‘Govt_Hardcopy’ => ‘Govt.-Hardcopy Now, email after Due dt only’,
‘Do_Not_Call’ => ‘Reminder 1-Last 7 days n Label’,
‘Reminder2’ => ‘Reminder 2-Is between 1 month 7 days prior’,
‘reminder3’ => ‘Reminder 3 Final-Is between 2 months 30 days prior’,
‘Closed Lost’ => ‘Closed Lost or Quote Enq Dead’,
‘Closed Accepted’ => ‘Closed Accepted SALE ORDER made n advance awaited’,
‘Not_Sent_Regreted’ => ‘NO QUOTE Sent of Drafted-REGRET’,
‘Delivered’ => ‘Delivered’,
‘On Hold’ => ‘On Hold’,
It works fine in detail view but in edit view it shows html code. I dont want to show html code in edit view.
How can i do that