Cases Loosees mail threads present under it

When we receive mail from on SuiteCRM as HTML content, it updates same as plain text in Description but due lot of HTML tags description overflows i think and we loose complete mail thread.

Is there any way to encounter this problem?

Below is the details of version we are using
Version 7.2.2
Sugar Version 6.5.20 (Build 1001)


If you go to /modules/Cases/metadata/ and open detailviewdefs.php

Go to line 121 which should be:

  4 => 
        array (
          0 => 'description',

And replace it with this code:

 4 => 
        array (
	0 => 
          'name' => 'description',
            'customCode' => '{$fields.description.value|escape:\'htmlentitydecode\' |escape:\'html\'|strip_tags|url2html|nl2br}',

and do a Quick Repair and Rebuild

Thanks, John