In my email template there are variables like $aop_case_updates_description, that outputs the latest update in the email template. This works. acase_name which works, and $acase_case_number which works.
However, there is also $acase_aop_case_updates_threaded which doesn’t seem to work. (I think it did previously but not sure how long ago, I just noticed it).
Does anyone know wherethis comes from and how it gets populated. I tried searching for that variable in the code, but didn’t find it. Is it from the bean?
@pgr I know you did a lot of work with these variables in your plugin. Can you point me in the right direction where to look?
Thanks @pgr, this is the one that’s the problem, it recogizes it as a variable because it outputs blank instead of the name, but it doesn’t seem to work and I’m looking for where it comes from to troubleshoot:
I don’t see any DB value for the threaded case updates or any variable that populates this value anywhere. It would either have to be stored as a DB value for it to available in the email, or somehow added to the bean at the point in time where the email is created. I tried a few things and was not able to populate the value at the time of the email.
So, I kind of cheated. I made a custom text field threaded_updates_c and and a before save hook that populates this field with a decending timeline of case updates. Then I just output this custom field in the email.
It works! When I have more time I’d like to explore how I would add that value to the bean when the email is created. This could be super useful if it was possible to populate short codes in emails via a custom function. Not sure if that’s possible but that would be great. It’s too bad there was something like “an on email send” hook.
The email is created in modules/AOP_Case_Updates/CaseUpdatesHook.php (I think!)
I tried inserting the variable in this function using parsed_entities and another function that pulled the list of case updates, but couldn’t get it to work:
(this is the original)
public function sendCaseUpdate(AOP_Case_Updates $caseUpdate)
global $current_user, $sugar_config;
$email_template = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailTemplates');
$module = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['module'])) {
$module = $_REQUEST['module'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Requested module is not set for case update');
if ($module === 'Import') {
//Don't send email on import
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn("Don't send email on import");
if (!isAOPEnabled()) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn("Don't send email if AOP enabled");
if ($caseUpdate->internal) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn("Don't send email if case update is internal");
$signature = [];
$addDelimiter = true;
$aop_config = $sugar_config['aop'];
if ($caseUpdate->assigned_user_id) {
if ($aop_config['contact_email_template_id']) {
$email_template = $email_template->retrieve($aop_config['contact_email_template_id']);
$signature = $current_user->getDefaultSignature();
if ($email_template->id) {
foreach ($caseUpdate->getContacts() as $contact) {
$GLOBALS['log']->info('AOPCaseUpdates: Calling send email');
$emails = [];
$emails[] = $contact->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($contact);
} else {
$emails = $caseUpdate->getEmailForUser();
if ($aop_config['user_email_template_id']) {
$email_template = $email_template->retrieve($aop_config['user_email_template_id']);
$addDelimiter = false;
if ($emails && $email_template->id) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->info('AOPCaseUpdates: Calling send email');