Can't upgrade suitecrm

Some times ago, I tried to upgrade Scrm from 7.1.4 to 7.2 (If i remember right).
It ended on a full blank page (no CRM interface at all).
I restored the previous files and DB and got back to my earlier version properly.
I tried tonight to upgrade again (to 7.3) but the upgrade wizard page is just blank. I mean no wizard and nothing.
How could I turn around this difficulty so as to get the wizard work again and so as to upgrade to last version of Scrm ?
:(In the details from softaculous, the install is dated from january 2015. It’s false. the install was earlier. It looks like the original install and the upgrade attempt details have been mixed up.

This is likely a permissions related problem but;

Do you have any errors in your SuiteCRM.log or SugarCRM.log files?

If you set ini_set(‘display_errors’,1) in your instance’s index.php file, and run through the upgrade, do any errors show on your instance?

Are there any errors in the Browser’s console during this process?


Do you have any errors in your SuiteCRM.log or SugarCRM.log files? No

If you set ini_set(‘display_errors’,1) in your instance’s index.php file, and run through the upgrade, do any errors show on your instance? No

Are there any errors in the Browser’s console during this process? No (the second time)

Screen of the result ofclicking on “Upgrade Wizard” :’écran%202015-11-02%2012.09.25.png?dl=0

Screen of the first attempt console :'Ă©cran%202015-11-02%2012.16.12.png?dl=0

Ensure that
is set correctly in your index.php file. I’ve attached a screenshot of this for clarity.

After setting this, Do any errors appear on the blank page that shows when you load the Upgrade Wizard page?

I did it all again so as to ensure it was properly done : no error lines in the blank page nor in the console.


Another reason that the upgrade could whitescreen is due to the values in your php.ini & CRM being too restrictive.

Navigate to the Admin > System Settings page. Set the value “Maximum Upload Size” to 30000000, and save the settings.

Then Navigate to your php.ini file and set the following values:
Set post_max_size to at least 60MB
Set upload_max_filesize settings to at least 60MB
Set max_input_time to a large number
Set memory_limit to 256MB

Then restart the Apache service.

Afterwards, set the permissions on your instance as follows:

sudo chown -R <user>:<group> .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Replace and with your Apache User and group.

After this, try the upgrade again.

Hello John,

I tried to do your handling but can’t achieve it completely as I’m on a share server and can’t access some fonctions. I sent a message to see if they can do it.

[i]Navigate to the Admin > System Settings page. Set the value “Maximum Upload Size” to 30000000, and save the settings. It was already done.

Then Navigate to your php.ini file and set the following values:
Set post_max_size to at least 60MB. It was already done.
Set upload_max_filesize settings to at least 60MB. This too
Set max_input_time to a large number. I put 120 instead of 60
Set memory_limit to 256MB. Done

Then restart the Apache service. This I can’t do

Afterwards, set the permissions on your instance as follows: I don’t know how to use these commands on my CRM. I just know how to select files or folders and assign something like “755” or “644” etc.

sudo chown -R : .
sudo chmod -R 755 .
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Replace and with your Apache User and group.

I’ll let you know when Arvixe will answer to my request.
Thank you for your help.

I found out how to edit this file. All the settings were ok per your recommandations, except “max_input_time” which was blank and won’t accept any value.

Next problem is that I don’t know how to apply your permissions recommandations.
What I have to do this is a tool as you can see in the attachment below.
Could you please help me to understand what does your code mean in comparison with this screenshot ?
Thank you very much.

Increasing the line “max_input_time” may help as this will increase how long the CRM will wait before timing out and showing a White Screen, it may be worth getting in contact with your Host and trying to increase this.

The permissions that I have recommended can be run through a Command Line Interface.

If you’re using Linux or OS X, you can use terminal.

I’m not as sure how it would be done in a Windows environment, and it may not be relevant to your setup, but I imagine that you could do it via a program such as PuTTY. You can some find information on doing it on Windows here:

In terms of setting permissions manually:
'sudo chmod -R 755 . ’
Would mean setting every folder and file in the CRM to permissions 755

‘sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php’
Would mean setting the folders: cache, custom, modules, themes, data, upload AND the file config_override.php to permissions 775

I did all your permissions recomandations.

The problem is not here apparentlys :
I lost all my interface customizations (i mean “themes”, colors) but the upgrade page still ends up in a blank page.
Thank you any way.
Any other idea ?
Arvixe doesn’t give any support for softaculous apps.
Rob. :dry:

I got (after checking some boxes here and there) a cron email about this. If someone can help me to understand the message, it would be great.
Here it is :
“PHP Warning: mysqli_fetch_fields() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/main/functions.php on line 10212
PHP Warning: mysqli_fetch_fields() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/main/functions.php on line 10212”