Can't enter login details

So I have set up the whole thing, and first going to log in. It’s not a case of forgetting the login details, but it wont let me physically type them in. As I go to type it stays greyed at like when it shows the ‘demo text’ sort of thing. And every time I enter says ‘You must specify a valid username and password.’ So it’s just not registering that I am typing anything.

If anyone has a clue whats going on help would be great!

Your URL only worked for me without the initial “www”.

The grey is normal, you can see it here

But failing to log you in is not normal. Can you check the most typical problems:

  • try another browser

  • make sure you don’t have caps-lock on

  • create a new user with a simple password, no weird characters, and retry

Also remember to check your logs for clues.