Calendar still not showing, even after 7.7.1

Will it be in the next update integrated ?

Yes, it was included in release 7.7.2 (we are releasing a 7.7.3 currently).

Hum … Why then did I not see the calendar … Ok, I’ll wait 2-3 versions to be sure :dry: :wink:

I’ve updated to 7.7.3 and the calendar is working again. Thank you.

A few issues:

  1. when I added an entry to calendar with date selected, it is incorrectly positioned one day behind. See screenshot.
  2. when viewing calendar, I’d like to hide the area marked in red rectangle by default. I don’t want these showing up every time as it inconveniently require us to scroll down to bottom before can see calendar. See screenshot.

I have a fresh installation of 7.7.3 with PHP 5.6.19

I see the calendar, but I have 5 different errors above the calendar and 2 under the calendar.

I don’t think it’s wise to put them all in here but here is the first one

Deprecated: Non-static method CalendarActivity::get_activities() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\Calendar.php on line 389

Call Stack





1 0.0000 132512 {main}( ) …\index.php:0
2 0.2964 10472104 SugarApplication->execute( ) …\index.php:52
3 0.3744 12649168 SugarController->execute( ) …\SugarApplication.php:105
4 0.3744 12649864 SugarController->processView( ) …\SugarController.php:310
5 0.3900 12934352 SugarView->process( ) …\SugarController.php:363
6 0.8424 15991096 ViewClassic->display( ) …\SugarView.php:160
7 0.8424 15991168 SugarView->includeClassicFile( ) …\view.classic.php:74
8 0.8424 16007128 include_once( ‘C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\index.php’ ) …\SugarView.php:738
9 0.8580 16293368 Calendar->add_activities( ) …\index.php:81

After which there another 4 and two after the calendar.