Calendar not rendered for any user other than initial Administrator account

I have two installs, one on a Windows host, the other on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

  1. Fresh install, log in and go to Calendar as Administrator- calender is rendered in page with the following notices from PHP (same on Linux host).

Notice: Undefined property: FP_events::$rel_users_table in C:\xampp\htdocs\crma\modules\Calendar\CalendarActivity.php on line 184

Notice: Undefined property: Task::$rel_users_table in C:\xampp\htdocs\crma\modules\Calendar\CalendarActivity.php on line 184

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_PREVIOUS_SHAREDMONTH in C:\xampp\htdocs\crma\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 511

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_NEXT_SHAREDMONTH in C:\xampp\htdocs\crma\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 492

  1. Create a new user under user management. Log in as that user, calendar is blank. The default theme is SuiteP, changing to another theme and clearing cache has no effect on this for either platform.

I am reporting this as I have seen other posts alluding to SutieP theme as the issue- I find I have the same result whichever of the three included themes I choose, after each doing a QRR and clearing cache.

Thanks for the super product- I am looking forward to working with this in the days ahead.

This has been resolved in SuiteCRM 7.7.1.



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Thanks Will- I have grabbed the upgrade file and all went smooth- calendars now work for all users.

I Just installed a fresh installation (7.7.3) on a fresh windows 7 machine and I have pretty much the same as Bill. When entering calendar I get

Deprecated: Non-static method CalendarActivity::get_activities() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\Calendar.php on line 389

Notice: Undefined property: FP_events::$rel_users_table in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarActivity.php on line 188

Notice: Undefined property: Task::$rel_users_table in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarActivity.php on line 188

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_PREVIOUS_AGENDAWEEK in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 522

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_NEXT_AGENDAWEEK in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 503

Then the calendar and below that again

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_PREVIOUS_AGENDAWEEK in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 522

Notice: Undefined index: LBL_NEXT_AGENDAWEEK in C:\wamp\www\SuiteCRM\modules\Calendar\CalendarDisplay.php on line 503