Can anyone please point me to the proper documentation to build reports ?
Example: I have some quotes, I am interested to get the Count of same products in all the quotes so I can forecast what will go to production
My main issue is to find the correspondence between the Line Itmes in the quote - Line Items Quantity and Product - and the many variable available in the FIELD list available on the left when I build a report.
Example: where il the list are Quantity and Product so I can pick those and put in the Field or Conditions rectangles?
In the left list, I checked under Line Items Group (aos_line_item_groups), Line Items (aos_products_quotes) , Line Items, Name --> quantity: is this the quantity I am looking for
Still cannot find the Product field to match the product listed in the quote:
Hope my issue is clear:
step 1: find the corresponding fields to build the report
step 2: move on with conditions , chart type etc